Vol. 55 No. 3 (2017)
Natural Products
Secondary metabolites from Micromonospora sp. (G044)
Structure elucidation of four steroids from the soft coral Sinularia nanolobata
Flavonol and lignan glycosides from Datura metel L.
Meiofauna in the organic shrimp farms of mangrove forest, Ca Mau province
Seawater desalination using air gap membrane distillation – An experimental study on membrane scaling and cleaning
Ammonium transport experiments in soil columns: estimating transport parameters
Characteristics of elemental and organic carbon in atmospheric nanoparticles at different sampling locations in Vietnam
Electronics - Telecommunication
Roles of gate-oxide thickness reduction in scaling bulk and thin-body tunnel field-effect transistors
Output feedback control with constraints for nonlinear systems via piecewise quadratic optimization
Novel compact dual-broadband planar metamaterial antenna
High order sliding mode control with anti-sway based compensation on artificial neural network by PSO algorithm for overhead crane
Settling time assignment with PID
Mechanical Engineering - Mechatronics
Vibration analysis of cross-ply laminated composite doubly curved shallow shell panels with stiffeners