Automatic identification of some Vietnamese folk songs Cheo and Quanho using convolutional neural networks

Chu Ba Thanh, Trinh Van Loan, Dao Thi Le Thuy
Author affiliations


  • Chu Ba Thanh HungYen University of Technology and Education, Khoai Chau District, Hung Yen Province, Viet Nam
  • Trinh Van Loan School of Information Communication and Technology, University of Science and Technology, 01 Dai Co Viet Street, Hai Ba Trung District, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
  • Dao Thi Le Thuy University of Transport and Communications, 3 Cau Giay Street, Lang Thuong Ward, Dong Da District, Ha Noi, Viet Nam



Identification, classification, folk songs, Vietnamese, Cheo, Quanho, CNN, LSTM, CRNN.


We can say that music in general is an indispensable spiritual food in human life. For Vietnamese people, folk music plays a very important role, it has entered the minds of every Vietnamese person right from the moment of birth through lullabies for children. In Vietnam, there are many different types of folk songs that everyone loves, and each has many different melodies. In order to archive and search music works with a very large quantity, including folk songs, it is necessary to automatically classify and identify those works. This paper presents the method of determining the feature parameters and then using the convolution neural network (CNN) to classify and identify some Vietnamese folk tunes as Quanho and Cheo. Our experimental results show that the average highest classification and identification accuracy are 99.92% and 97.67%, respectivel.


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How to Cite

C. B. Thanh, T. V. Loan, and D. T. L. Thuy, “Automatic identification of some Vietnamese folk songs Cheo and Quanho using convolutional neural networks”, J. Comput. Sci. Cybern., vol. 38, no. 1, p. 63–83, Mar. 2022.


