Chu Ba Thanh, Trinh Van Loan, Nguyen Hong Quang
Author affiliations


  • Chu Ba Thanh
  • Trinh Van Loan
  • Nguyen Hong Quang



Identification, folk songs, Vietnamese, Cheo, Quan ho, GMM, MFCC, excerpt, tempo, F0.


  Vietnamese folk songs are very rich in genre and content. Identifying Vietnamese folk tunes will contribute to the storage and search for information about these tunes automatically. The paper will present an overview of the classification of music genres that have been performed in Vietnam and abroad. For two types of very popular folk songs of Vietnam such as Cheo and Quan ho, the paper describes the dataset and GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model) to perform the experiments on identifying some of these folk songs. The GMM used for experiment with 4 sets of parameters containing MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients), energy, first derivative and second derivative of MFCC and energy, tempo, intensity, and fundamental frequency. The results showed that the parameters added to the MFCCs contributed significantly to the improvement of the identification accuracy with the appropriate values of Gaussian component number M. Our experiments also showed that, on average, the length of the excerpts was only 29.63% of the whole song for Cheo and 38.1% of the whole song for Quan ho, the identification rate was only 3.1% and 2.33% less than the whole song for Cheo and Quan ho respectively.


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How to Cite

C. B. Thanh, T. V. Loan, and N. H. Quang, “SOME NEW RESULTS ON AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION OF VIETNAMESE FOLK SONGS CHEO AND QUANHO”, J. Comput. Sci. Cybern., vol. 36, no. 4, p. 325–345, Dec. 2020.


