Phạm Đình Phong, Nguyen Duc Du, Nguyen Thanh Thuy, Hoang Van Thong
Author affiliations


  • Phạm Đình Phong Faculty of Information Technology, University of Transport and Communications, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Duc Du Faculty of Information Technology, University of Transport and Communications
  • Nguyen Thanh Thuy Faculty of Information Technology, University of Engineering and Technology, VNU, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Hoang Van Thong Faculty of Information Technology, University of Transport and Communications, Hanoi, Vietnam




Classification reasoning, fuzzy rule based classifier, fuzziness interval, hedge algebras, multi-granularity, semantically quantifying mapping values


During last years, lots of the fuzzy rule based classifier (FRBC) design methods have been proposed to improve the classification accuracy and the interpretability of the proposed classification models. Most of them are based on the fuzzy set theory approach in such a way that the fuzzy classification rules are generated from the grid partitions combined with the pre-designed fuzzy partitions using fuzzy sets. Some mechanisms are studied to automatically generate fuzzy partitions from data such as discretization, granular computing, etc. Even those, linguistic terms are intuitively assigned to fuzzy sets because there is no formalisms to link inherent semantics of linguistic terms to fuzzy sets. In view of that trend, genetic design methods of linguistic terms along with their (triangular and trapezoidal) fuzzy sets based semantics for FRBCs, using hedge algebras as the mathematical formalism, have been proposed. Those hedge algebras-based design methods utilize semantically quantifying mapping values of linguistic terms to generate their fuzzy sets based semantics so as to make use of fuzzy sets based-classification reasoning methods proposed in design methods based on fuzzy set theoretic approach for data classification. If there exists a classification reasoning method which bases merely on semantic parameters of hedge algebras, fuzzy sets-based semantics of the linguistic terms in fuzzy classification rule bases can be replaced by semantics - based hedge algebras. This paper presents a FRBC design method based on hedge algebras approach by introducing a hedge algebra- based classification reasoning method with multi-granularity fuzzy partitioning for data classification so that the semantic of linguistic terms in rule bases can be hedge algebras-based semantics. Experimental results over 17 real world datasets are compared to existing methods based on hedge algebras and the state-of-the-art fuzzy sets theoretic-based approaches, showing that the proposed FRBC in this paper is an effective classifier and produces good results.


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