Mô phỏng quá trình phục vụ người đọc ở một thư viện

Đoàn Phan Tân
Author affiliations


  • Đoàn Phan Tân Publishing House for Science and Technology





This article presents an application of queuing theory in order to establish a mathematical model for the process of service in a library or  in information center.

On the basic of the model mentioned and applying the simulation method of  Monte-Carlo with properties of  random numbers, the author proposes an algorithm and a flowchart for writing a simulation program of this process. The input data if this program is composed:

-Distribution of the number of andience’s requests.

-Distribution of the service time.

After running, this program will give the following information on  service system: Total of service time, total of writing time, total of free time, average of service time, average of writing time…

Thus are sharacteristics features of the  service system.


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How to Cite

Đoàn P. Tân, “Mô phỏng quá trình phục vụ người đọc ở một thư viện”, JCC, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 19–27, Apr. 2016.



Computer Science