Recognizing some geometrical objects from a discrete set of polygons
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This paper presents a post - processing method for extracting polygons after vectorization processing. These polygons are used for a Spatial Data Type of Geographic Information Systems or for recognizing primitive objects included in technical drawings. We propose the semi - automatic searching method for extrating from a set of polylines to a polygon surrounding a given point. This method is based on the depth searching strategy. Then we give a measure fitting polygons with primitive geometrical objects. In fact, the paper makes a deal with the applying of global statistical and geometrical invariants for reconizing planar objects.Nhận dạng một số đối tượng hình học từ các tập đường gấp khúc rời rạc
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How to Cite
N. H. Huy and N. Q. Tạo, “Recognizing some geometrical objects from a discrete set of polygons”, J. Comput. Sci. Cybern., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 33–41, Mar. 2016.
Computer Science
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