Hieu Dinh Vo
Author affiliations


  • Hieu Dinh Vo Faculty of Information Technology, VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Ha Noi, Viet Nam




Just-in-time vulnerability detection, Just-in-time vulnerability localization, Vulnerable commit, Vulnerable statement.


Software vulnerabilities have increased dramatically, and multiple severe attacks have occurred in recent years. This poses a critical challenge for early detection and prevention of vulnerabilities in Software Quality Assurance. This paper introduces a novel framework, JULY, which serves the dual purpose of detecting vulnerable commits and localizing the root causes of the vulnerabilities. The fundamental concept of JULY is that the determinant of the vulnerability of a commit is the inherent meaning embedded in its changed code. For just-in-time vulnerability detection (JIT-VD ), JULY represents each commit by a Code Transformation Graph and employs a Graph Neural Network model to capture their meanings and distinguish between vulnerable and non-vulnerable commits. Once a commit is detected as vulnerable, it is passed to the just-in-time vulnerability localization (JIT-VL ) model to localize the root causes, which are vulnerable changed statements. In JIT-VL , JULY encodes each statement by the following features: operation, context, and topic. Then, JULY measures the suspiciousness score of each changed statement and ranks them based on their scores. To evaluate the effectiveness of JULY, we conducted several experiments using a dataset consisting of 20,274 commits in 506 C/C++ projects. JULY achieves a remarkable improvement of 95% in Top-1 ACC and 63% in MRR compared to the state-of-the-art approaches. Furthermore, when examining the same portion (i.e., 20%) of modified statements in each commit, JULY can find twice as many vulnerable statements within a given commit as the state-of-the-art approaches.





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How to Cite

H. D. Vo, “JUST-IN-TIME VULNERABILITY DETECTION AND LOCALIZATION”, J. Comput. Sci. Cybern., vol. 40, no. 1, p. 79–101, Mar. 2024.


