Pythagorean picture fuzzy sets (PPFS), Part 2- some main picture logic operators on PPFS and some picture inference processes in PPF systems
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Picture fuzzy set, Pythagorean picture fuzzy set, picture logic operators, decision-making problems.Abstract
Pythagorean picture fuzzy set (PPFS) - is a combination of Picture fuzzy set with the Yager’s Pythagorean fuzzy set [12-14]. In the first part of the paper [17] we considered basic notions on PPFS as set operators of PPFS. Unfortunately, we have not papers [18,19, 20] about spherical fuzzy sets with the same definition with some operators and applications to multi attribute group decision making problems. Now in the second part, we will present some main operators in picture fuzzy logic on PPFS: picture negation operator, picture t-norm, picture t-conorm, picture implication operators on PPFS. Last, the compositional rule of inference in PPFS setting should be presented and an numerical example was given.
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