About the Journal

Journal description

Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology (VJST) was established in 1962. It has since evolved into an open-access and a peer-reviewed journal published by Publishing House for Science and TechnologyVietnam Academy of Science and Technology. The President of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology decides to establish an Editorial Board on the basis of the Editor-in-chief's proposal. Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology provides funding for the operation and publication of VJST. The VJST publishes 6 issues per year, in February, April, June, August, October, and December. Special issues/Proceedings have not been published anymore. 

The VJST is on a roadmap to publish articles online as soon as they are accepted from reviewers and section editors, check for duplication, check for plagiarism, edit content, edit publication and summarize. The Editor in Chief agrees to publish the article.

Currently, the VJST publishes in both forms: print and electronic. 

The journal starts publishing all articles in English since 2017.

VJST provides open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Aims and Scope

Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology publishes research articles and review papers following five main fields:

1) Natural Products;
2) Materials;
3) Environment;
4) Electronics - Telecommunication;
5) Mechanics & Engineering.

Please click here to view the of subject classifications Please choose 2 or 3 subject classifications for your manucript to include into your cover letter when submitting it.

Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Covers all fields of Materials Science and Technology

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Covers all domains of Science and Technology of Environment

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Pre-review stage

Upon receiving a new manuscript, the Editor-in-Chief will conduct an initial pre-review check to ensure the article is legible, complete, correctly formatted, original, within the scope of the journal, in the style of a scientific article and written in clear English. An initial quality assessment is also conducted to ensure the reported results are significant and not incomplete.

All submissions to the journal are screened using the plagiarism detection software, iThenticate.
Any article that has problems with any of the above criteria may be rejected at this stage. This pre-review decision is also reviewed by the Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Session Editor.

Reviewing stage

Articles passing successfully through the pre-review stage then begin formal peer-review.
Papers deemed suitable are then typically sent to a minimum of two independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the paper.

Reviewers are selected to be experts in the field of papers.

The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of articles. The Editor's decision is final. Editors are not involved in decisions about papers which they have written themselves or have been written by family members or colleagues or which relate to products or services in which the editor has an interest.

Invitation to review an article

To uphold the impartiality of the journal, reviewers should consider any potential conflict of interest before agreeing to review a submission and should contact the editorial office to declare any potential conflict of interest if you are in the following instances:

  • direct competition with the authors.
  • a co-worker or collaborator with one of the authors.
  • a position to exploit the authors' work (commercially or otherwise).
  • a position which prevents you from giving an objective opinion of the work.
  • unable to act as a reviewer due to a conflict of interest, we will then select an alternative reviewer.

Reviewer reports and anonymity

Reviewer reports are sent to the authors with the decision letter. Reviewer reports are generally sent intact but may undergo minor editing for clarity, to correct spelling or typographical errors, or to remove any text that inadvertently reveals the reviewer's identity.

Reviewer names are kept strictly confidential. Reviewers' identities may only be disclosed to VJST Editorial Board members, who are also instructed to maintain confidentiality. VJST operates a 'single-blind' review process, in which reviewers know the identity of the authors but authors do not know the identity of the reviewers.

Reviewers are asked not to transmit reports directly to the authors. We also ask that reviewers do not otherwise disclose their identity to the authors or discuss the papers they have reviewed with colleagues unless they have been published.

Revised manuscript

When authors make revisions to their manuscript in response to the reviewers' comments, the editors will make decition or return to the original reviewers for reevaluation


Once the article is accepted, a proof will  be electronically sent to corresponding author. The proofread copy should be returned to the VJST within 48 hours.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Copyright & Licensing

Vietnam Journal of Sciences and Technology is an open access and peer-reviewed journal. All academic publications could be made free to read and downloaded for everyone. In addition, Articles are published under term of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA) Licence which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited & ShareAlike terms followed.

Copyright on any research article published in Vietnam Journal of Sciences and Technology is retained by the respective author(s), without restrictions. Authors grant VAST Journals System a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher. Upon author(s) by giving permission to VJST either via VJST portal or other channel to publish their research work in VJST agrees to all the terms and conditions of https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ License and terms & condition set by VJS.

Authors have the responsibility of to secure all necessary copyright permissions for the use of 3rd-party materials in their manuscript.

Plagiarism Detection

Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology uses Similarity Check, a service provided by Crossref and powered by iThenticate plagiarism detection system, to screen for plagiarism before publication. Authors, researchers, and freelancers can also use iThenticate to screen their work before submission by visiting www.ithenticate.com.

Crossref iThenticate


Article Processing Charge

There are no author submission fees or other publication-related charges. All cost for the publication process is supported by Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.

Journal History

Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology: ISSN: 2525-2518 (print) and 2815-5874 (online).

Founded in 1962 with the name of Tap san Khoa hoc Ky thuat, the journal originally published short research articles in general science and technique, all written in Vietnamese. Twenty years ago, the journal was renamed as Tap chi Khoa hoc va Cong nghe (Journal of Science and Technology). It has since evolved into a peer-reviewed journal, publishing six issues per year.  The published papers included articles in both Vietnamese and English and on broad topics related to science and technology in following five sections: Natural Products, Materials, Environment, Electronics-Telecommunication, and Mechanical Engineering - Mechatronics. Since 2017 the journal assumes a new name, Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology and starts publishing all articles in English.