Study on groundwater abstraction by horizontal drains for minimization of saltwater upconing from below

Nguyen Van Hoang, Nguyen Thanh Cong, Quach Quang Hai, Tran Van Quang
Author affiliations


  • Nguyen Van Hoang Institute of Geological Sciences, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Thanh Cong Hydraulic Construction Institute, Vietnam Academy for Water Resources
  • Quach Quang Hai Hydraulic Construction Institute, Vietnam Academy for Water Resources
  • Tran Van Quang Hydraulic Construction Institute, Vietnam Academy for Water Resources



groundwater (GW), Horizontal drain, Saltwater upconing


In many places in Vietnam central region, the fresh coastal sand dune aquifers have an interface with salty water below, so upon groundwater (GW) abstraction, there is a risk of salty water upconing to the abstraction facilities. With the same abstraction rate, the horizontal drains shall significantly reduce the groundwater level (GWL) drawdown, which significantly reduces the development of saltwater upconing. The results analysis for the design of groundwater abstraction facilities in Thach Tri commune, Thach Ha district, Ha Tinh province have shown the effectiveness of the solution. For infinite distributed aquifers, the GWL drawdown in the facility area with the abstraction rate of 100m3/day by eight 4m- and 8m-long horizontal drains is from 11.7% to 16.8% lower in comparison to a vertical well, respectively, (GWL drawdown in vertical well is 0.733m, GWL drawdown in center of 4m-long horizontal drains is 0.646m and in 8m-long horizontal drains is 0.603m). For 1km x 1km aquifer bounded by no-flow boundaries, GWL drawdown in the vertical well and in the center of eight 4m-and 8m-long horizontal drains are 2.313m, 1.293m and 1.255m, respectively. This is corresponding to GWL drawdown decrease of 44.1% and 45.7% in comparison to the vertical well. The significantly reduced GWL drawdown in abstraction facilities of horizontal drains will significantly reduce the level of salty water upconing and therefore increase the time of abstraction of fresh water.


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How to Cite

Hoang, N. V., Cong, N. T., Hai, Q. Q., & Quang, T. V. (2018). Study on groundwater abstraction by horizontal drains for minimization of saltwater upconing from below. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(4), 341–353.




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