About the Journal
- Aims and Scope
- Article Processing Charge: none
- License
- Peer Review Process
- Publication Ethics
- Publication Frequency
- Author Guidelines
Aims and Scope
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal to publish high-quality articles on the entire range of earth sciences and the environment, focused on the Asia Pacific region and their correlations and connections to the globe. The journal publishes fundamental and applied research in earth sciences and the environment, including geology, geophysics, geography, soil science, hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, petroleum, geohazards, environmental sciences, environmental engineering, sustainable development, geoinformatics, geodesy, GIS, and remote sensing.
Article Processing Charge: none
Free of Charge for authors and readers. There are no author submission fees or other publication-related charges. All cost for the publication process is supported by Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.
How to cite: Vietnam J. Earth Sci.
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Peer Review Process
Double-blind reviews are applied for Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences
1. After accepting the manuscript as matching to the scope and format of the Journal, Editor-in-Chief and assistant editors choose two independent Reviewers. The selected reviewers have to guarantee:
- Specialist in the field;
- Autonomous opinion;
- The lack of interests conflicts especially the lack of personal and business relations with the authors of the paper;
- The preservation of confidentiality of the paper content and the reviewer's opinion of the article.
2. Assistant editor sends to review the paper. Reviewers receive the full text of the manuscript (without author personal data) qualified for the reviewing process and referee form, supplemented with the additional questions connected with the article. The assistant editor also determines the extent of the review and the deadline (a month).
3. If 2 Review's opinion is different, the editor-in-chief will choose 3rd reviewer.
4. The personal data of reviewers are not open (double-blind review).
5. The reviewer sends the review to the editorial board. After receiving the review the assistant editor:
- Inform authors about it (in the case of the review without corrections or when there are only small).
- Send the reviews to the authors. Authors have to correct the paper according to reviewers' comments and prepare the reply to Reviewers.
- Send the paper corrected by authors to reviewers again when the reviewer wanted to review it again.
6. The final decision about the manuscript is made by the Editor-in-Chief based on the analysis of remarks contained in the review and advice of the options editor. The accepted manuscript will be edited by an option editor and corrected by English editors.
7. The final version of the manuscript, after typesetting and text makeup is being sent to authors, who make author corrections. Afterward, the paper is ready to be published.
8. REVIEW GUIDELINE: Review Guideline can be download from here.
Publication Frequency
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences publishes 4 issues per year in March, June, September, and December.
Publication Ethics
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Our publication ethics and publication malpractice statement are based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers by using the Publishing Ethics Resource Kit and in compliance with Elsevier recommendations and Research Publishing Ethics Guidelines of the Cambridge University Press. >> More Details.