Influence of Magnetic Field on Magnetic Properties of Electrodeposited Co-Ni-P Nanowires

Le Tuan Tu, Luu Van Thiem, Pham Duc Thang
Author affiliations


  • Le Tuan Tu Faculty of Physics, University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
  • Luu Van Thiem Faculty of Engineering Physics and Nanotechnology, University of Engineering Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi and Faculty of Basic Science, Hanoi Industrial College for Textile, Garment and Fashion
  • Pham Duc Thang Faculty of Engineering Physics and Nanotechnology, University of Engineering Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi



CoNiP, nanowires, magnetic field, anisotropy, electrodeposition


The magnetic properties in Co-Ni-P nanowires arrays with diameter of 200 nm were investigated. All the samples were prepared by electrodeposition method with pH of 5.5 and at room temperature. During the deposition, a magnetic field in range of 0 - 750 Oe was applied parallel to the wires axis. The crystalline structure and morphology of the samples were characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), respectively. The hysteresis loops were measured at room temperature using vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). The mixture of hcp phases of the Co-Ni-P based nanowires has been indicated by the XRD pattern. The obtained results show that with 750 Oe magnetic field applied during deposition we can obtain maximum coercivity value (2180 Oe). The Mr/Ms ratio was rapid increased when the magnetic field changed from 0 Oe to 750 Oe.


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How to Cite

L. T. Tu, L. V. Thiem, and P. D. Thang, “Influence of Magnetic Field on Magnetic Properties of Electrodeposited Co-Ni-P Nanowires”, Comm. Phys., vol. 24, no. 3S1, pp. 90–94, Nov. 2014.



Published 26-11-2014

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