Edge Effects of Truncated Dirac Solitons in Binary Waveguide Arrays

Tran Xuan Truong, Nguyen Minh Hue, Phung Dinh Hoat
Author affiliations


  • Tran Xuan Truong Department of Physics, Le Quy Don University, 236 Hoang Quoc Viet, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
  • Nguyen Minh Hue Department of Physics, Le Quy Don University, 236 Hoang Quoc Viet, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
  • Phung Dinh Hoat Department of Physics, Le Quy Don University, 236 Hoang Quoc Viet, Ha Noi, Viet Nam




nonlinear optics, binary waveguide array, Dirac soliton


We investigate the edge effects of the optical analogue of the quantum relativistic Dirac solitons in binary waveguide arrays with Kerr nonlinearity when one tail of the Dirac soliton is truncated. We show that if the outermost waveguide of the binary waveguide array hosts the intense component of the truncated Dirac soliton, then Dirac soliton will be repeatedly bent towards the binary waveguide array edge. In the contrast, if the outermost waveguide of the binary waveguide array hosts the weak component of the truncated Dirac soliton, then Dirac soliton will be pushed away from the binary waveguide array edge. To the best of our knowledge, these unique features have not been found in any other systems.


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How to Cite

T. X. Truong, N. M. Hue, and P. D. Hoat, “Edge Effects of Truncated Dirac Solitons in Binary Waveguide Arrays”, Comm. Phys., vol. 27, no. 3, p. 205, Nov. 2017.



Received 05-09-2017
Accepted 20-10-2017
Published 18-11-2017