Processing GPS/GLONASS data

Vy Quoc Hai
Author affiliations


  • Vy Quoc Hai Viện Địa chất, Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam



The GPS/GLONASS data processing and application of two (or more) global positioning system offers manypractical benefits. In this paper, some GNSS data of IGS sites (BAKO, COCO, NTUS and LHAZ) has been collectedand processed by Bernese 5.0 software.The results show that, baseline processing achieved satisfactory accuracy with relative error about 1/764 000 000,error of adjusted coordinates smaller than 2 mm in large spatial scales network- the distance about 4500km.Based on of those parameters, a conclusion can be made, GPS/GLONASS data absolutely fulfill requirements ofinvestigation crustal movements.


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How to Cite

Hai, V. Q. (2014). Processing GPS/GLONASS data. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 36(1), 14–20.




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