Vol. 46 No. 4 (2024)

Published: 05-09-2024


  • Assessing Tropical Cyclone-induced rainfall distributions derived from the TRMM and GSMaP satellite datasets over Vietnam's mainland
    Ha Pham-Thanh, Hang Vu-Thanh, Nga Pham-Thi-Thanh, The Doan-Thi, Thuc Tran-Duy, Hao Nguyen-Thi-Phuong

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15625/2615-9783/21040
  • Multi-step-ahead prediction of water levels using machine learning: A comparative analysis in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta
    Nguyen Duc Hanh, Nguyen Tien Giang, Le Xuan Hoa, Tran Ngoc Vinh, Huu Duy Nguyen

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15625/2615-9783/21067
  • Identification of the active faults and seismotectonic zonation of Laos territory
    Duong T.N. , Huang B.S., Dinh V.T., Lai H.P., Bui V.T., Sulinthone O., Pham H.T., Pham N.D., Nguyen V.H., Duangpaseuth S.

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15625/2615-9783/21075
  • Hybrid approach for permeability prediction in porous media: combining FFT simulations with machine learning
    Hai-Bang Ly, Hoang-Long Nguyen, Viet-Hung Phan, Vincent Monchiet

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15625/2615-9783/21133
  • UAV hyperspectral image acquisition and processing, an application for nutrient estimation of rice in Vietnam
    Minh Khanh Luong, Tong Si Son, Huong Mai, Huong Thi Mai To, Giang Son Tran, Binh Pham-Duc, Hien Phan, Le Van Canh, Thi Lan Pham, Tong Thi Huyen Ai

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15625/2615-9783/21306
  • Occurrence rate of equatorial Spread F and GPS ROTI in the ionospheric anomaly region over Vietnam
    Hong Pham Thi Thu, Mazaudier Christine Amory, Minh Le Huy, Saito Susumu, Dung Nguyen Thanh, Ngoc Luong Thi, Hung Luu Viet, Thang Nguyen Chien, Thanh Nguyen Ha, Nishioka Michi, Perwitasari Septi

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15625/2615-9783/21368
  • Assessing aerosol changes over Delhi using satellite and ground measurement data: Insights from a COVID-19 lockdown period
    Huong Nguyen-Thuy, Thanh Ngo-Duc, An Dam-Duy

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15625/2615-9783/21418