Assessment the socio-economic drought vulnerability index in the Red River delta

Vu Thi Thu Lan, Lai Tien Vinh, Hoang Thanh Son
Author affiliations


  • Vu Thi Thu Lan Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam
  • Lai Tien Vinh Ban Quản lý Trung ương các dự án Thủy lợi, Bộ Nông Nghiệp và Phát triển Nông thôn
  • Hoang Thanh Son Viện Địa lý, Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam



During recent years, the situation of drought, lack of water for developing   economy have been an increasing. In order to cope efficiently with drought disaster, it is necessary to determine ability of economy when it has to confront the lack of water. Depending on economic structures of the Red River Delta , it is first time, this report apply socio-economic drought vulnerability index (SDI) to evaluate sensitive levels of economy on the drought and lack of water. Analyzing the indexes rely on consider that it contributes higher into gross domestic product (GDP) from non-agriculture area and lower percentage on agriculture labors as well as diversified crop plants. On the basis of city/provincial statistical data, in continuous 13 years (from 2000 to 2012), it has been determined the sensitive drought indexes (SDI) for each city/province and the whole area. The results of SDI in the Red River Delta in the period of 2000 - 2013 have reflected transfer of the economic structure as well as the economic growth rate of the area, the SDI in the Red River Delta is directly proportional to density of agriculture branch for the gross domestic product (GDP) and it shows the real situation of sensitive level of agriculture branch when it happens drought and lack of water. The index is frame tool for “drought total management” and scientific principles in order to adjust suitability for using water resources toward the drought total management, making suitable strategy proposals including land management policy and national resources.


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How to Cite

Lan, V. T. T., Vinh, L. T., & Son, H. T. (2015). Assessment the socio-economic drought vulnerability index in the Red River delta. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 37(2), 163–169.


