Species diversity, taxon structure and distribution of the Chlorophytes on Truong Sa archipelago

Dam Duc Tien, Nguyen Thi Thu Hang, Phan Thu Hue, Tran Dinh Lan
Author affiliations


  • Dam Duc Tien Institute of Marine Environment and Resources, VAST, Vietnam Graduate University of Science and Technology, VAST, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Thi Thu Hang Graduate University of Science and Technology, VAST, Vietnam
  • Phan Thu Hue Graduate University of Science and Technology, VAST, Vietnam
  • Tran Dinh Lan Institute of Marine Environment and Resources, VAST, Vietnam Graduate University of Science and Technology, VAST, Vietnam




Truong Sa archipelago, distribution, species composition.


The results of research on characteristic of distribution and taxa structure of Chlorophytes (Chlorophyta) at nine islands of Truong Sa archipelago (Truong Sa, Da Tay, Thuyen Chai, Toc Tan, Sinh Ton, Nam Yet, Song Tu Tay, Da Nam and Son Ca) indicate that there are 67 species of Chlorophytes, they belong to 4 orders, 14 families and 22 genera. The number of species at the sampling islands ranged from 13 species/island (Toc Tan isd.) to 43 species/island (Nam Yet isd.) with the average of 25.5 species/island. Sorensen similarity coefficient at the sampling sections ranged from 0.24 (between Song Tu Tay and Thuyen Chai) to 0.74 (between Nam Yet and Song Tu Tay) with the average of 0.45. Among 67 species in nine islands, there are 10 species distributed only in the intertidal zone (they are occupying 14.9% of total species), 14 species (31.4%) in subtidal zone only and 43 species (64.2%) in both intertidal zone and subtidal zone. The number of species concentrates on some genera (Halimeda: 10 species; Caulerpa: 10 species; Codium: 6 species,...), they belong to Codiacea, Siphonales. There are some genera with only 1 species (Tydemania, Anadyomene, Microdictyon,...).



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How to Cite

Tien, D. D., Hang, N. T. T., Hue, P. T., & Lan, T. D. (2020). Species diversity, taxon structure and distribution of the Chlorophytes on Truong Sa archipelago. Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 20(4), 427–436. https://doi.org/10.15625/1859-3097/15786




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