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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines


Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology (ISSN - print: 1859-3097, and ISSN - online: 2815-5904) is a highly regarded peer-reviewed journal. As one of the Vietnam’s prominent specialty journals, it is published quarterly by the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.

The journal serves as a platform for disseminating valuable knowledge in marine science and technology. It encompasses a wide range of research areas, including but not limited to marine geology and geophysics, physical oceanography, marine chemistry and pollution, marine biology and ecology, marine remote sensing, marine and coastal natural hazards, management of marine and coastal resources and environment, development and application of marine technologies, marine construction, coastal engineering, navigation, and various other marine-related issues.

By featuring a mix of basic research findings, applied research outcomes, and advancements in methodologies, the Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology effectively bridges the gap between theory and practice in both national and international contexts.

As a peer-reviewed publication, the journal maintains rigorous standards in its review process to ensure the quality and integrity of the articles it publishes. Researchers and scholars rely on this journal as a reliable source of up-to-date information in the field of marine science and technology.



The Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology publishes four issues per year. The No. 1 issue is released in January-March, the No. 2 issue in April-June, the No. 3 issue in July-September, and the No. 4 issue in October-December.



The Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology welcomes article submissions and does not require any publication fees.



Submission of an article to the Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology implies that the content has yet to be published in other journals, except in the form of an abstract, as part of a published lecture or academic thesis, or as an electronic preprint. It also implies that the article is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. All authors and the responsible authorities should approve the article's publication where the work was conducted. Furthermore, if the article is accepted, it will not be published in the same form, whether in English or any other language, including electronically, without the written consent of the copyright holder.

Each author must declare his or her contribution to the article. All authors have substantially participated in the article’s research and (or) preparation, and their respective roles should be clearly described. The statement confirming that all authors have approved the article’s final version must be confirmed and included in the disclosure.

The manuscript submitted to the Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology must not have been published before. This manuscript has not been reviewed for publication in another journal. All authors must approve the publication. If accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English, or in any other language (including the electronic file the author receives).



Manuscripts are written in English, either American or British usage, but not mixed. However, we accept submissions in Vietnamese, specifically from Ph.D. students and young researchers. The editorial will support researchers who have achieved good results but may need to become more familiar with English.


The manuscript submission must be completed online through the Journal’s homepage. The Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology author will be guided on the submission process step by step through the creation and upload of the manuscript.

The system will automatically allocate the ID to the original manuscript used during the review and editing processes and allocate the digital object identifier (DOI) to the article after publication. All the correspondence, notices of editors and authors, along with the comments of reviewers, will be archived on the system.

If any difficulty with the electronic submission process occurs, the author can alternatively send it via email to the journal secretary at



The submitted paper must be in the electronic file written in Microsoft Word in Times New Roman font, font size 12, and line spacing 1.2; the figures should be precise with adequate captions; the figure size should not exceed 15×20 cm. The manuscript must be A4 size, including Title, Author names, Contact detail of all authors, Email address of all authors, Abstract, Introduction, Main Content, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, References, and Appendix. It is compulsory to provide the names of the author and co-authors, institution, contact details, phone number, and email address in the manuscript. The manuscript should use legal and popular scientific terms and measurement units in Vietnam and worldwide. The manuscript is divided into sections. Headings of major sections (for example, summary, introduction, data and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, references, and appendices) are shown in bold uppercase. The subheadings of the smaller sections are written in bold lowercase, followed by bold-italic lowercase. The title of the minor subsection (if any) is written in italics.

- Title: Brief and generalize the content of the article. Avoid abbreviations and formulas (if possible).

- Authors’ names and contact detail: Provide the full name of all authors, institutions, and email addresses of each author. The corresponding author should be indicated who will respond to the reviewer and edit the manuscript after being accepted. Provide the phone numbers and postal addresses of the corresponding author. Changes in the manuscript may be accepted only if the corresponding author send the request.

- Abstract: About 300-500 words are required to provide basic information such as research purpose, research methods, data (if any), main results, theoretical and (or) practical significance of the study and clarify the new contributions of the paper compared with previously published works.

- Keywords: Provide 3-5 keywords. Avoid generic and unspecified words.

- Introduction: It should state the objectives of the work, provide a broader context for the research, and mention any relevant controversies in the field. The introduction should conclude with a concise statement explaining the rationale for the study, the hypothesis or purpose of the experiments, and whether the aim was achieved, which will help readers understand the significance of the research and its outcomes.

- Materials and Methods: Provide enough detail to replicate the work. For new methods or significant modifications to existing methods, include the protocols. However, for previously published or well-established protocols, referencing is sufficient. Fully describe new methods and provide sources for uncommon chemicals, equipment, strains, etc. Ensure that the studies adhere to guidelines for sharing materials and data. Theoretical papers involving computational analyses include technical details such as the methods used and newly developed or applied models. This information enables readers to reproduce the calculations. A theory should expand upon existing knowledge rather than merely repeating it.

- Results: The results section should be clear and succinct. It should include statistical analyses of all the experiments necessary to support the paper's conclusions; extensive reserve interpretation of the results for the discussion section. Details of experiments that are peripheral to the article's main thrust and detract from the article's focus should be excluded. Present the results succinctly using text, tables, or figures (refer to the guidelines below). Minimize the use of graphs for presenting data that can be more effectively presented in the text or tables. Graphs illustrating commonly used methods should only be included in exceptional circumstances. Only include necessary photographs that effectively demonstrate experimental findings. Number figures and tables in the order they are mentioned in the text and ensure that all figures and tables are cited. Maintain consistent styles and fonts with the main body of the article. Large datasets, including raw data, should be submitted as supporting files. The section can be divided into subsections with concise subheadings.

- Discussion: The discussion section should focus on the results’ significance rather than simply restating them. Avoid excessive citations and discussions of published literature. The discussion should interpret the results concerning previously published work and the experimental system employed. It should not extensively repeat the results or reiterate the introduction. This section should clearly state the study’s significant conclusions and provide some explanation or speculation regarding their significance. The discussion should be concise and tightly argued.

- Conclusion: The conclusion section should concisely summarize the issues examined, and the results obtained in the article. It should highlight the significance of the new contributions made by the study. Additionally, it can propose directions for future research to explore the topic further and helps indicate potential study areas that can build upon the findings presented in the article.

- Acknowledgments. This section should describe the sources of funding that have supported the work. Additionally, please describe the role played by the study sponsor(s), if any, in the study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, paper writing, and the decision to submit it for publication.

- References: Each manuscript should include a minimum of 15 references. The IEEE citation style and the APA reference format, should be consistently followed. All references should be fully cited in the text and arranged in order of appearance, such as [1], [2, 3], [3–5]. The first cited reference in the manuscript should be labeled as [1], and the last cited reference should have the highest number. All co-authors of a reference must be fully listed. For example, instead of “Marchesiello, P., et al., 2001,” it should be written as “Marchesiello, P., McWilliams, J. C., and Shchepetkin, A., 2001,” etc. Do not include in the reference list any documents that have not been officially published in print or electronic form. References in Vietnamese, hieroglyphs, or non-Roman scripts should be translated into English, with the original language mentioned in parentheses. For online documents, include the author’s full name (or news agency if the author is not available), publication year, the document name (in italics), publication date (if available), web address, and date of access (day, month, year). The references are written as the following examples:

[1] Dung, N. T., 2015. Oil and gas milestones.; accessed June 30, 2020 (in Vietnamese).

[2] Duong, P. X., 2013. Modelling the current field at the Dong Bo river mouth (Nha Trang) under the impact of reclamation work. Proceedings of International Conference “East Vietnam Sea 2012”, 2, 9–16. (in Vietnamese).

[3] Duong, P. X., 2012. Study on the circulation in Binh Cang bay - Nha Trang by using numerical model. PhD Thesis in Geography, Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment, Hanoi. (in Vietnamese).

[4] Perianez, R., Abril, J. M., and Garcia-Leon, M., 1996. Modelling the dispersion of non-conservative radionuclides in tidal waters - Part1: Conceptual and mathematical model. Journalof Environmental Radioactivity, 31(2), 127–141.

[5] Arakawa, A., and Lamb, V. R., 1977. Computational design of the basic dynamical processes of the UCLA general circulation model. Methods in Computational Physics, 17, 173–265.

[6] Mellor, G. L., and Blumberg, A. F., 1985. Modeling vertical and horizontal diffusivities with the sigma coordinate system. Monthly Weather Review, 113(8), 1379–1383.

[7] Durran, D. R., 1999. Numerical methods for wave equations in geophysical fluid dynamics (No. 32). Springer. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 465.

[8] Da Silva, A. M., Young-Molling, C. C., and Levitus, S., 1994. Atlas of Surface Marine Data 1994, Vol.1. NOAA Atlas NESDIS, 6. U. S. Gov. Printing Office, Washington D.C.

[9] Marchesiello, P., McWilliams, J. C., and Shchepetkin, A., 2001. Open boundary conditions for long-term integration of regional oceanic models. Ocean modelling, 3(1), 1–20.

- Appendix: If multiple appendices exist, they should be numbered as Appendix I, Appendix II, etc. Formulas, tables, and figures included within the appendix should be numbered separately from those in the article’s main body to ensure clarity and easy reference for readers when navigating the additional material in the appendix.

- Figures: It is crucial to ensure that symbols and other details in figures are appropriately sized to maintain legibility when the figure is reduced in size. The caption for each figure should be under it. All figures must be cited in the content using the designated order (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). For figures illustrating the territory of Vietnam, it is necessary to indicate the Hoang Sa Islands and Truong Sa Islands. In articles presenting research results in a specific area or locality, it is recommended to provide a sketch map indicating the research location.

- Tables: The caption for each table should be displayed above the table. All tables must be fully cited in the text in the specified order (Table 1, Table 2, etc.). The tables are of a suitable size and should be typed as text.

- Math formulas and symbols: It is customary to use Latin or Greek characters. Formulas should be numbered sequentially in the order of appearance, such as (1), (2), and so on.

- Units: Adhere to internationally accepted rules and use the SI unit system as the primary system. If other units are mentioned, please give their equivalent in SI.

- Abbreviations: Use only when necessary. The first time an acronym is mentioned, it must be defined and used consistently throughout the article.

- Footnotes: Use footnotes sparingly and number them consecutively throughout the article. If available, utilize the footnote feature in word processors to seamlessly incorporate them into the text. Alternatively, indicate the placement of footnotes within the text and list them separately at the end of the article. Ensure that footnotes are not included in the reference list.



The double-blinded peer review process is implemented, where each submitted manuscript is typically reviewed and evaluated by two independent reviewers. The review period is generally within two months. The review feedback will be sent to the author by the editor.

When there are reviewers’ comments, the author must revise and improve the manuscript, accompanied by a reply to all reviewers’ comments. The author should highlight changes in the manuscript so that the editor and reviewers can follow the revision.

The author is given a time limit of three months to complete the revisions. If the revised manuscript is received after this time limit, it will be treated as a new submission, and the review process will start afresh.



Once the manuscript is accepted, it will undergo editing to adhere to the Journal's standard format and be converted into PDF format. The author's responsibilities during the editing process are as follows: Firstly, the author will be requested to review the manuscript before the editor prepares the proof of the article. It is crucial for the author to thoroughly examine this proof to ensure no mistakes were made during the editing process. After the English proofreading, the author must verify the prepress proof before the final article is received. Consequently, the author should carefully read the manuscript at least three times until the final version is completed. After 20 days of the electronic publication on the Journal's homepage, authors will be provided with a printed copy.


Contact details: Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology, A16 Building, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi. Phone number: +84 24 37917411; Email address:; Website:

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.