Letter on the occasion of vietnam press dayletter on the occasion of Vietnam Press Day


Dear: The Editorial Board Members and Contributors

On the occasion of Vietnam Press Tradition Day (June 21, 1925 - June 21, 2022), on behalf of the Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology, I would like to send my best wishes to the Editorial Board Members and Contributors of the Journal.

Our Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology continues to develop and achieve remarkable results over the years. These results are achieved because the Journal always receives the attention and active contributions of everyone in the activities of consulting, promoting, editing, reviewing, and writing articles for the Journal.

On the occasion of Vietnam Press Day, I would like to send the Editorial Board members and the Collaborators the most sincere and profound thanks.

I wish all members of the Editorial Board and your families good health, happiness, and success.

Best regards,

Editor in Chief

Tran Duc Thanh