Assessment of pollution load from industrial activities of Nghi Son Economic Zone (Thanh Hoa province)

Cao Thi Thu Trang, Dinh Hai Ngoc, Nguyen Van Thao
Author affiliations


  • Cao Thi Thu Trang Institute of Marine Environment and Resources Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology
  • Dinh Hai Ngoc Institute of Marine Environment and Resources Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Van Thao Institute of Marine Environment and Resources Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology



Pollution load, pollutants, industry, economic zone, Nghi Son.


Thanh Hoa coastal waters have received a large amount of waste from industrial activities of Nghi Son Economic Zone such as thermal power, vegetable oil production, wood processing, steel rolling and petroleum refinery. Employing environmental rapid assessment method, the discharged industrial wastewater from Nghi Son Economic Zone was calculated. The pollution load includes organic matter (13 thousand tons), total nitrogen - TN (27.4 thousand tons), total phosphorous - TP (967.8 tons), total suspended solid - TSS (12.3 thousand tons). In addition, wastewater also contained phenol, oil and grease, cyanide, sulfites, heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Cr). If this wastewater is not treated, the amount of pollutant discharged to Thanh Hoa coastal area will be much greater and impact on sensitive ecosystems. 



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How to Cite

Thu Trang, C. T., Ngoc, D. H., & Thao, N. V. (2020). Assessment of pollution load from industrial activities of Nghi Son Economic Zone (Thanh Hoa province). Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 20(3), 297–308.




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