Optical properties of Eu3+ ions in boro-tellurite glass

Ngo Van Tam, Vu Phi Tuyen, Phan Van Do
Author affiliations


  • Ngo Van Tam Nha Trang Institute of Reseach and Application of Technology, Nha Trang, Viet Nam
  • Vu Phi Tuyen Graduate University of Science and Technology(GUST) - VAST, 18 HoangQuocViet, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Phan Van Do Thuyloi University, 175 TaySon, Dong Da, Hanoi, Vietnam




Optical properties of Eu3 , boro-tellurite glass, Judd-Ofelt


The excitation, emission spectra and and lifetime of Eu-doped borotellurite glasses (BTe) have been investigated. The sideband phonon energy and electron-phonon coupling strength (g) have been found. The intensity parameters Ωλ were calculated from the emission spectrum. These parameters were used to predict radiative properties such as transition probabilities (AR), calculated branching ratios (βR) and stimulated emission cross-sections (σλp) for 5D07HJHFJ transitions.



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How to Cite

N. V. Tam, V. P. Tuyen, and P. V. Do, “Optical properties of Eu3+ ions in boro-tellurite glass”, Comm. Phys., vol. 26, no. 1, p. 25, Jul. 2016.



Received 21-03-2016
Accepted 11-04-2016
Published 20-07-2016