Research of Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithms for Processing Radiometry Data

Vo Thi Lan Anh, Doan Minh Chung, Ngo Tuan Ngoc, K. G. Kostov
Author affiliations


  • Vo Thi Lan Anh Space Technology Institute, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
  • Doan Minh Chung Space Technology Institute, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
  • Ngo Tuan Ngoc Space Technology Institute, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
  • K. G. Kostov Institute of Electronics, BAS, Bulgaria



soil moisture retrieval, dielectric model, passive microwave remote sensing


Since 2012, the experts of Space Technology Institute  have carried out the field experiments to obtain a high-resolution dataset  of microwave radiometers for land surface parameters (soil moisture, soil  temperature, vegetation water content), in order to improve the soil  moisture retrieval methodology. L-band radiometers were used for measuring  the brightness temperature of the bare soil. Field experiments for passive  microwave remote sensing of soil moisture were carried out in Hoai Duc  District in 2012. L-band microwave radiometers were used for measuring the  microwave emission of bare agricultural fields. The radiometers, which are  used for soil moisture measurement, worked well during the experimental  campaign and produced volumetric soil moisture estimates that compared well  with the ground-truth measurements. Explanations for the observed  discrepancies are presented. The experimental results showed that the model  of Choudhury et al. for surface roughness correction provides a better fit  to radiometric data over the angular range between 20° and 50° for  \(n = 0\) (i.e., the \(\cos ^{2}\theta\)  factor in the exponential in (15) is suppressed).  Based on the results of the experiments conducted over two experimental  sites with different soils, namely sandy loam at Hoai Duc Agrometeorologyl  Center, it may be concluded that the testing of both the radiometric  equipment and the method for soil moisture retrieval was very successful,  and the main goal of the experiments was fulfilled.


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How to Cite

V. T. L. Anh, D. M. Chung, N. T. Ngoc, and K. G. Kostov, “Research of Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithms for Processing Radiometry Data”, Comm. Phys., vol. 25, no. 3, p. 283, Mar. 2016.



Received 26-11-2014
Accepted 31-12-2015
Published 03-03-2016

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