Economizing Nonlocal Resource in Two-Way Remote Preparations of Inequivalent Quantum States Under a Common Control

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Multiqubit entanglement, two-way remote state preparation, common control, GHZ-type state, W-type state


A recently proposed protocol for two parties to securely and simultaneously
exchange inequivalent quantum states under the same control of a third party [Int. J. Theor. Phys. (2020);] is revisited. It is shown in this paper that the required tasks are equally well accomplished with a nonlocal resource which is greatly economized by rationally exploiting local resources. Furthermore, the economized nonlocal resource with appropriate local operations on local resources also allows exchanging inequivalent states other than those previously considered.


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How to Cite

N. B. An, “Economizing Nonlocal Resource in Two-Way Remote Preparations of Inequivalent Quantum States Under a Common Control”, Comm. Phys., vol. 31, no. 3, p. 259, Apr. 2021.



Received 06-01-2021
Accepted 14-03-2021
Published 16-04-2021