Strength and fatigue analysis of periodic perforated materials using the computational homogenization and ES-FEM approaches
Author affiliations
shakedown analysis, computational homogenization, overall plastic properties, ES-FEMAbstract
This paper presents a computational homogenization shakedown analysis of periodic perforated materials with von Mises matrices. The plastic behaviors of the perforated materials under cyclic macroscopic loads are studied by means of kinematic shakedown theorem and computational homogenization method. The kinematic micro-fields are approximated by the edge-based smoothed finite element method. The resulting large-scale optimization problem is efficiently solved by using conic solver, enabling a large number of points on the macroscopic strength and fatigue surface to be calculated rapidly. The effects of the hole's shape and size on the overall strength and fatigue domains are also investigated.
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Funding data
National Foundation for Science and Technology Development
Grant numbers 107.02-2018.31