Diversity of the dinoflagellate genus Tripos Bory 1823 (Dinophyceae) in the Western coastal waters of Tonkin Gulf, Vietnam

Pham Tien Tai, Chu Van Thuoc, Nguyen Thi Minh Huyen, Duong Thanh Nghi, Do Thi Xuyen
Author affiliations


  • Pham Tien Tai Institute of Marine Environment and Resources, VAST, Vietnam
  • Chu Van Thuoc Institute of Marine Environment and Resources, VAST, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Thi Minh Huyen Institute of Marine Environment and Resources, VAST, Vietnam
  • Duong Thanh Nghi Institute of Marine Environment and Resources, VAST, Vietnam
  • Do Thi Xuyen Hanoi University of Science, VNU, Vietnam




Tonkin Gulf, coastal waters, diversity, Ceratium, Tripos.


Tripos is a genus of marine dinoflagellates in the family Ceratiaceae, the order Gonyaulacales (Dinophyceae). The genus Tripos has been studied in the western coastal waters of Tonkin Gulf, including 6 coastal sampling stations (Tra Co, Cua Luc, Do Son, Ba Lat, Sam Son, Cua Lo) and 2 offshore stations (Co To, Bach Long Vi) in four surveys conducted in March, June, August and November 2022. A total of 21 species belonging to the genus Tripos were initially identified in the study area. The number of species of this genus is lower in the estuarine area and higher in the offshore. The species occurred at all sampling stations, including Tripos furca, T. fusus, T. muelleri, T. trichoceros and T. breve, in which T. furca and T. fusus were the most common species. Species were common including Tripos candelabrus, T. ehrenbergii, T. gravidus, T. minutus, T. extensus and T. longipes. The species diversity in the dry season (March and November) was higher than in the rainy season (June and August). Cell density of the Tripos species varies spatially and temporally in the study area. The variation in Tripos density was related to the sampling stations, tide, sampling time, and water environment factors such as temperature, salinity, DO and pH.


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How to Cite

Pham, T. T., Chu, V. T., Nguyen, T. M. H., Duong, T. N., & Do, T. X. (2024). Diversity of the dinoflagellate genus <i>Tripos</i> Bory 1823 (Dinophyceae) in the Western coastal waters of Tonkin Gulf, Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 24(3), 251–263. https://doi.org/10.15625/1859-3097/21298




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