Leptogenesis in \(A_4\) Flavor Symmetry Model by Renormalization Group Evolution

Nguyen Thanh Phong
Author affiliations


  • Nguyen Thanh Phong Department of Physics, Cantho University




We study how leptogenesis can be implemented in the seesaw models with \(A_4\) flavor symmetry, which lead to the tri-bimaximalneutrino mixing matrix. By considering renormalzation groupevolution from a high energy scale of flavor symmetry breaking(the GUT scale is assumed) to the low energy scale of relevantphenomena, the off-diagonal terms in a combination of DiracYukawa-coupling matrix can be generated. As aresult, the flavored leptogenesis is successfully realized. Wealso investigate how the effective light neutrino mass \(|\langle m_{ee}\rangle |\) associated with neutrinoless double beta decaycan be predicted byimposing the experimental data on the low energy observables. Wefind a link between the leptogenesis and the neutrinoless doublebeta decay characterized by \(|\langle m_{ee}\rangle|\) through ahigh energy CP phase $\phi$, which is correlated with the lowenergy Majorana CP phases. It is shown that the predictions of \(|\langle m_{ee}\rangle|\) for some fixed parameters of the highenergy physics can be constrained by the current observation ofbaryon asymmetry.


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How to Cite

N. T. Phong, “Leptogenesis in \(A_4\) Flavor Symmetry Model by Renormalization Group Evolution”, Comm. Phys., vol. 24, no. 1, p. 9, Mar. 2014.



Received 11-02-2014
Published 12-03-2014