Multiple mobility edges in quasi-periodic mosaic lattices revisited: A numerical study based on time-dependent reflection

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  • Ba Phi nguyen Department of Basic Sciences, Mientrung University of Civil Engineering, 24 Nguyen Du, Tuy Hoa, Phu Yen



Quasi-periodic mosaic lattices; Anderson localization; mobility edges; time-dependent reflection.


The dynamics of a short wave packet in one-dimensional quasi-periodic lattices with mosaic modulated on-site potentials is investigated numerically. This model is characterized by the modulation period \(\kappa\) and the quasi-periodic potential strength \(\lambda\). For parabolic wave packets with a given central energy \(E_{0}\), we calculate the averaged time-dependent reflectance, \(\langle R(t) \rangle\), for various values of $\kappa$ and \(\lambda\). From the extensive numerical calculations, we show that there exist multiple mobility edges in such a model with the number of mobility edges to be always equal to \(2(\kappa-1)\).


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How to Cite

P. B. Nguyen, “Multiple mobility edges in quasi-periodic mosaic lattices revisited: A numerical study based on time-dependent reflection”, Comm. Phys., vol. 34, no. 3, p. 249, Sep. 2024.



Received 25-06-2024
Accepted 26-08-2024
Published 05-09-2024