Structural prediction of carbon cluster isomers with machine-learning potential

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Carbon clusters, Low-energy isomers, Machine-learning potential


Structural prediction of low-energy isomers of carbon twelve-atom clusters is carried out using the recently developed machine-learning potential GAP-20. The GAP-20 agrees with density-functional theory calculations regarding geometric structures and average C-C bond lengths for most isomers. However, the GAP-20 substantially lowers the energies of cage-like structures, resulting in a wrong ground state. A comparison of the cohesive energies with the density-functional theory points out that the GAP-20 only gives good results for monocyclic rings. Two multicyclic rings appear as new low-energy isomers, which have yet to be discovered in previous research.


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How to Cite

. D. H. Nguyen, “Structural prediction of carbon cluster isomers with machine-learning potential”, Comm. Phys., vol. 34, no. 3, p. 259, Jun. 2024.



Received 19-04-2024
Accepted 28-05-2024
Published 11-06-2024