Study of separation phenomenon in transonic flows produced by interaction between shock wave and boundary layer

Hoang Thi Bich Ngoc, Nguyen Manh Hung
Author affiliations


  • Hoang Thi Bich Ngoc Hanoi University of Technology
  • Nguyen Manh Hung Hanoi University of Technology



separation in transonic flows, shock wave and boundary layer


For compressible flows, the transonic state depends on the geometry, Mach number and the incidence. This effect can produce shock wave. Some studies showed that the interaction between shock wave and boundary layer concerns separation phenomenon. Studies in this report demonstrate conditions of separation in transonic flow and that it is not any interaction between shock wave and boundary layer which can cause boundary layer separation. The studies also show that maximum Mach number in the local supersonic region is not a unique factor influencing the separation, and the separation in transonic flows can occur at the incidence of 0\(^{\circ}\). For the calculation of viscous transonic flows, we use Fluent software with serious treatment of application operation based on the physical nature of phenomenon and the technique of numerical treatment. For the calculation of invicid transonic flows, we built a code solving the full potential equation with verification for accuracy. Results calculated from Fluent have been seriously compared with results of present program and published results in order to assure the accuracy of application operation in the domain of investigation. separation in transonic flows; shock wave and boundary layer


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How to Cite

Bich Ngoc, H. T., & Hung, N. M. (2011). Study of separation phenomenon in transonic flows produced by interaction between shock wave and boundary layer. Vietnam Journal of Mechanics, 33(3), 170–181.



Research Article