Accurate through-the-thickness stress distributions in thin-walled metallic structures subjected to large displacements and large rotations
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Carrera Unified Formulation, three-dimensional stress field, second Piola-Kirchhoff stress, refined 2D shell theory, geometrical nonlinearityAbstract
The present paper presents the evaluation of three-dimensional (3D) stress distributions of shell structures in the large displacement and rotation fields. The proposed geometrical nonlinear model is based on a combination of the Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF) and the Finite Element Method (FEM). Besides, a Newton-Raphson linearization scheme is adopted to compute the geometrical nonlinear equations, which are constrained using the arc-length path-following method. Static analyses are performed using refined models and the full Green-Lagrange strain-displacement relations. The Second Piola-Kirchhoff (PK2) stress distributions are evaluated, and lower- to higher-order expansions are employed. Popular benchmarks problems are analyzed, including cylindrical isotropic shell structure with various boundary and loading conditions. Various numerical assessments for different equilibrium conditions in the moderate and large displacement fields are proposed. Results show the distribution of axial and shear stresses, varying the refinement of the proposed two-dimensional (2D) shell model. It is shown that for axial components, a lower-order expansion is sufficient, whereas a higher-order one is needed to accurately predict shear stresses.
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