Buckling and postbuckling of axially-loaded CNT-reinforced composite cylindrical shell surrounded by an elastic medium in thermal environment

Hoang Van Tung, Pham Thanh Hieu
Author affiliations


  • Hoang Van Tung Hanoi Architectural University, Vietnam
  • Pham Thanh Hieu University of Transport Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam




CNT-reinforced composite, nanocomposite cylindrical shell, nonlinear stability, axial compression, elastic foundation.


The natural frequencies or related resonant frequencies have been widely used for crack detection in structures by the vibration-based technique. However, antiresonant frequencies, the zeros of frequency response function, are less involved to use for the problem because they have not been thoroughly studied. The present paper addresses analysis of antiresonant frequencies of multiple cracked bar in comparison with the resonant ones. First, exact characteristic equations for the resonant and antiresonant frequencies of bar with arbitrary number of cracks are conducted in a new form that is explicitly expressed in term of crack severities. Then, the conducted equations are employed for analysis of variation of resonant and antiresonant frequencies versus crack position and depth. Numerical results show that antiresonant frequencies are indeed useful indicators for crack detection in bar mutually with the resonant ones.


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How to Cite

Tung, H. V., & Hieu, P. T. (2019). Buckling and postbuckling of axially-loaded CNT-reinforced composite cylindrical shell surrounded by an elastic medium in thermal environment. Vietnam Journal of Mechanics, 41(1), 31–49. https://doi.org/10.15625/0866-7136/12602



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