Daily streamflow forecasting by machine learning in Tra Khuc river in Vietnam

Huu Duy Nguyen
Author affiliations


  • Huu Duy Nguyen Faculty of Geography, University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam




machine learning, streamflow, gate recurrent unit, bacterial foraging optimization, gray wolf optimizer, human group optimization


Precise streamflow prediction is crucial in the optimization of the distribution of water resources. This study develops the machine learning models by integrating recurrent gate unit (GRU) with bacterial foraging optimization (BFO), gray wolf optimizer (GWO), and human group optimization (HGO) to forecast the streamflow in the Tra Khuc River, Vietnam. For this purpose, the time series of daily rainfall and river flow at Son Giang station from 2000 to 2020 were employed to forecast the streamflow. The statistical indices, namely the root mean square error, the mean absolute error, and the coefficient of determination (R²), was utilized to evaluate the performance of the proposed models. The results showed that the three optimization algorithms (HGO, GWO, and BFO) effectively enhanced the performance of the GRU model.

Moreover, among the four models (GRU, GRU-HGO, GRU-GWO, and GRU-BFO), the GRU-GWO model outperformed the other models with R² = 0.883. GRU-HGO achieved R² = 0.879, and GRU-BFO achieved R²=0.878. The results of this study showed that GRU combined with optimization algorithms is a reliable modeling approach in short-term flow forecasting.



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How to Cite

Duy Nguyen, H. (2022). Daily streamflow forecasting by machine learning in Tra Khuc river in Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 45(1), 82–97. https://doi.org/10.15625/2615-9783/17914




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