Tran Nghi, Nguyen Thi Tuyen, Dinh Xuan Thanh, Nguyen Thi Huyen Trang, Tran Thi Thanh Nhan, Nguyen Dinh Thai, Le Viet Chuan, Nguyen Hoang Long
Author affiliations


  • Tran Nghi Institute of climate change adaption and geoenvironmental research
  • Nguyen Thi Tuyen Institute of climate change adaption and geoenvironmental research
  • Dinh Xuan Thanh Institute of climate change adaption and geoenvironmental research
  • Nguyen Thi Huyen Trang Institute of climate change adaption and geoenvironmental research
  • Tran Thi Thanh Nhan Institute of climate change adaption and geoenvironmental research
  • Nguyen Dinh Thai Institute of climate change adaption and geoenvironmental research
  • Le Viet Chuan Institute of climate change adaption and geoenvironmental research
  • Nguyen Hoang Long Institute of climate change adaption and geoenvironmental research



Lowstand systems tract, transgressive systems tract, highstand systems tract, lithofacies association.


Lithofacies and paleogeographical characteristics of late Pleistocene-Holocene deposits are related to three sedimentary system tracts: Lowstand systems tract (LST) corresponds to the low regressive phase from 50 ka BP to 18 ka BP. The sedimentary accumulative space is situated from the boundary of weathering crust to the 100 m water depth. In Ba Lat rivermouth area, the lowstand systems tract is dominated by the alluvial silty sand facies group (arLST); Transgressive systems tract (TST) in Ba Lat rivermouth area constitutes a lithofacies section including three facies in upward direction as follows: (1) Transgressive alluvial silty - sand facies (atTST). (2) Transgressive estuary sandy - mud facies (amtTST). (3) Lagoonal maximum transgressive greenish clay facies (mtTST); Highstand systems tract (HST) in the downstream Red river delta area constitutes a deltaic plain structure consisting of three parts: High subaerial delta, low subaerial delta and subaqueous delta, which had been formed from 5 ka BP.



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How to Cite

Nghi, T., Tuyen, N. T., Thanh, D. X., Trang, N. T. H., Nhan, T. T. T., Thai, N. D., Chuan, L. V., & Long, N. H. (2017). LATE PLEISTOCENE-HOLOCENE LITHOFACIES - PALEOGEOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS IN BA LAT RIVER MOUTH. Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 17(1), 23–34.


