Dang Do Hung Viet, Vu Duy Vinh, Pham Van Chien, Nguyen Duc The
Author affiliations


  • Dang Do Hung Viet Institute of Marine Environment and Resources-VAST
  • Vu Duy Vinh Institute of Marine Environment and Resources-VAST
  • Pham Van Chien Institute of Marine Environment and Resources-VAST
  • Nguyen Duc The Institute of Marine Environment and Resources-VAST



Fish eggs, larvae, coral reef fish, spawning, Nha Trang MPA, model, dispersal.


Modeling the dispersal of coral reef fish eggs and larvae (FE-FL) in Nha Trang bay MPA simulated two scenarios in 03/2009 and 08/2009. The assumption each time for scenario was 30 days. The dispersal results of FE-FL from the Nha Trang bay to the surrounding areas just concentrated in coastal areas with very small quantities. A small number of FE-FL under the effects of water current were also take to the Northern coastal areas and the Southern coastal areas but no FE-FL spread to open sea. The dispersal range was not much different between the tidal phases and monsoons but significantly affected by the source (fish eggs produced).


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How to Cite

Viet, D. D. H., Vinh, V. D., Chien, P. V., & The, N. D. (2014). PRELIMINARY SIMULATION OF EGG AND LARVAL DISPERSAL OF CORAL REEF FISH IN NHA TRANG MARINE PROTECTED AREA. Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 14(4), 368–377.




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