Tran Tuan Dung, Phi Truong Thanh, Doan The Hung
Author affiliations


  • Tran Tuan Dung Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics
  • Phi Truong Thanh Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics
  • Doan The Hung 2Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology




Mud volcano, submarine landslide, gas hydrate.


Mud volcanoes occur mostly within the sedimentary basins, both on land and seabed, where are weak areas of Earth crust or intersection of the fault systems. The activities of submarine mud volcano might cause potential risks for drilling operations and setting oil and gas pipeline on the sea floor. The activities of exploration and exploitation of oil and gas in the East Sea are pretty strong, especially in the sedimentary basins of the  continental shelf. Therefore, in this paper, the authors focus on essential analysis of some characteristics of mud volcanoes as well as the mechanism of formation and their relationships with gas hydrate, submarine landslide as a premise for the next researches.


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How to Cite

Dung, T. T., Thanh, P. T., & Hung, D. T. (2014). OVERVIEW OF SUBMARINE MUD VOLCANO. Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 14(4), 341–347. https://doi.org/10.15625/1859-3097/14/4/5820


