Density and de-nitrifying potential of indigenous bacterial assemblage in mangrove and seagrass in the North of Vietnam

Le Thanh Huyen, Dao Thi Anh Tuyet, Le Minh Hiep, Nguyen Tien Dat, Ha Thi Binh, Do Trung Sy, Do Manh Hao
Author affiliations


  • Le Thanh Huyen Graduate University of Science and Technology, VAST, Vietnam
  • Dao Thi Anh Tuyet Institute of Marine Environment and Resources, VAST, Vietnam
  • Le Minh Hiep Institute of Marine Environment and Resources, VAST, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Tien Dat Institute of Marine Environment and Resources, VAST, Vietnam
  • Ha Thi Binh Institute of Marine Environment and Resources, VAST, Vietnam
  • Do Trung Sy Institute of Chemistry, VAST, Vietnam
  • Do Manh Hao Graduate University of Science and Technology, VAST, Vietnam; Institute of Marine Environment and Resources, VAST, Vietnam



This study assessed the density and de-nitrification potential of indigenous microorganisms in mangroves and seagrass beds in northern Vietnam through two mangrove ecosystems in Tien Yen - Quang Ninh and Bang La - Hai Phong and three seagrass beds in Ha Coi and Dam Ha - Quang Ninh and Tam Giang - Thua Thien Hue. The analysis results of 4 sampling times in rainy and dry seasons during 2017–2019 showed that the density of de-nitrifying bacteria ranged from (1.0 × 102)–(4.6 × 103) MPN/mL, averaging 1.1 ± 0.3 × 103 MPN/mL. The density in mangroves was higher than that in seagrass (a = 0.05). De-nitrification rates ranged from 0.0 µgN/wet to 69.0 µgN/wet soil g/hour, averaging 18.4 ± 7.4 µgN/wet soil g/hour. The rate at the experiments added 0.5 mgN/L in seagrass was higher than that in the mangrove. The density and rate of de-nitrification were significantly correlated with many environmental factors, especially density of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, the density of nitrifying bacteria, pH, Eh, Nts, N-NH4, P- PO4 and BOD5.


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How to Cite

Le Thanh, H., Dao Thi , A. T., Le Minh, H., Nguyen Tien, D., Ha Thi , B., Do Trung , S., & Do Manh, H. (2021). Density and de-nitrifying potential of indigenous bacterial assemblage in mangrove and seagrass in the North of Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 21(2), 223–232.


