Combining QuickSCAT wind data and Landsat ETM+ images to evaluate the offshore wind power resource of East Vietnam Sea

Nguyen Xuan Tung, Do Huy Cuong, Bui Thi Bao Anh, Nguyen Thi Nhan, Tran Quang Son
Author affiliations


  • Nguyen Xuan Tung Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, VAST, Vietnam
  • Do Huy Cuong Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, VAST, Vietnam
  • Bui Thi Bao Anh Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, VAST, Vietnam
  • Nguyen Thi Nhan Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, VAST, Vietnam
  • Tran Quang Son National Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Hanoi, Vietnam



QuikSCAT wind data, the East Vietnam Sea, wind energy resource evaluation, wind power generation evaluation, Truong Sa, Hoang Sa.


Since the East Vietnam Sea has an advantageous geographical location and rich natural resources, we can develop and manage islands and reefs in this region reasonably to declare national sovereignty. Based on 1096 scenes of QuikSCAT wind data of 2006–2009, wind power density at 10 m hight is calculated to evaluate wind energy resources of the East Vietnam Sea. With a combination of wind power density at 70 m hight calculated according to the power law of wind energy profile and reef flats extracted from 35 scenes of Landsat ETM+ images, installed wind power capacity of every island or reef is estimated to evaluate wind power generation of the East Vietnam Sea. We found that the wind power density ranges from levels 4–7, so that the wind energy can be well applied to wind power generation. The wind power density takes on a gradually increasing trend in seasons. Specifically, the wind power density is lower in spring and summer, whereas it is higher in autumn and winter. Among islands and reefs in the East Vietnam Sea, the installed wind power capacity of Hoang Sa archipelago is highest in general, the installed wind power capacity of Truong Sa archipelago is at the third level. The installed wind power capacity of Discovery Reef, Bombay Reef, Tree island, Lincoln island, Woody Island of Hoang Sa archipelago and Mariveles Reef, Ladd Reef, Petley Reef, Cornwallis South Reef of Truong Sa archipelago is relatively high, and wind power generation should be developed on these islands first.



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How to Cite

Tung, N. X., Cuong, D. H., Anh, B. T. B., Nhan, N. T., & Son, T. Q. (2020). Combining QuickSCAT wind data and Landsat ETM+ images to evaluate the offshore wind power resource of East Vietnam Sea. Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 20(2), 143–153.




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