\(\textit{Ceropegia vietnamensis }\) (Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae), a new species from Vietnam

Hong Truong Luu, Van Son Le, Phi Nga Nguyen
Author affiliations


  • Hong Truong Luu Southern Institute of Ecology, VAST, Vietnam
  • Van Son Le Binh Chau-Binh Phuoc Nature Reserve, Bung Rieng Ward, Xuyen Moc District, Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Viet Nam
  • Phi Nga Nguyen Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam




Ceropegia vietnamensis is described as a new species from Binh Chau - Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve in the Xuyen Moc district of Ba Ria- Vung Tau province. It is morphologically close to Ceropegia laotica in general appearance and coloration of flowers but differs in many vegetative and reproductive characteristics and grows in a different habitat. The new taxon is described, illustrated with field photographs of detailed botanical characteristics and compared to related species.


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How to Cite

Truong Luu, H., Son Le, V., & Nguyen, P. N. (2022). \(\textit{Ceropegia vietnamensis }\) (Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae), a new species from Vietnam. Academia Journal of Biology, 44(4), 19–26. https://doi.org/10.15625/2615-9023/17594


