Research on the effects of temperature, salinity and nutrition to the growth of the Betaphycus gelatinus (Esper) Doty

Vo Thanh Trung, Tran Van Huynh, Tran Mai Duc, Le Trong Nghia, Pham Duc Hung
Author affiliations


  • Vo Thanh Trung Nha Trang Institute of Research and Technology Application
  • Tran Van Huynh
  • Tran Mai Duc Nha Trang Institute of Technology Reasearch and Aplication, VAST, Vietnam
  • Le Trong Nghia Nha Trang Institute of Technology Reasearch and Aplication, VAST, Vietnam
  • Pham Duc Hung Institute of Aquaculture, Nha Trang University



Betaphycus gelatinus (Esper) Doty (BG) is a red seaweed that has been used as a food and a research material. Thus, the study on factors affecting the growth and development of BG is necessary. The present results show that the good growth conditions of BG are 27 oC, 30‰ of salinity, and add PES or Nitrate-phosphate medium. This research has important scientific significance in preserving and restoring rare and valuable commercial seaweed varieties.



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How to Cite

Trung, V. T., Huynh, T. V., Duc, T. M., Nghia, L. T., & Hung, P. D. (2021). Research on the effects of temperature, salinity and nutrition to the growth of the <i>Betaphycus gelatinus</i> (Esper) Doty. Academia Journal of Biology, 43(2), 119–126.


