Investigating the frequency of alleles of crtRB1 and LcyE genes that are favoable for -carotene accumulation in some maize lines cultivated in VietNam

Tran Thi Luong, Nguyen Duc Thanh
Author affiliations


  • Tran Thi Luong Institute of Biotechnology, VAST
  • Nguyen Duc Thanh



Allele frequency, b-carotene, favorable alleles, maize (Zea mays L.) pro-vitamin A carotenoid.


 Provitamin A carotenoid content, including b-carotene in corn kernels is very low and varies widely in maize lines /varieties. Results of the study on the role of the crtRB1 and LcyE gene alleles in the accumulation of b-carotene in maize showed that some alleles could regulate the increase in b-carotene content. These alleles are called favorable alleles as they are favorable for b-carotene accumulation. However, the frequency of these alleles in traditional maize varieties is very low. And so they are known as rare alleles. The identification of favorable alleles and high b-carotene maize lines for maize improvement in the direction of increased provitamin A carotenoid content, especially b-carotene, is very important. In this study, we investigated the frequency of alleles of the crtRB1 and LcyE genes that are favorable for β-carotene accumulation in 20 maize lines cultivated in Vietnam. The results showed that the favorable allele frequency of crtRB1 in the studied maize lines was 25% and that of LcyE was 5%. Four lines (H240, H95, H20 and Ngô nâu vàng Lắk, Đắk Lắk) carry favorable alleles at 3’ end of crtRB1 gene and have high b-carotene content (from 6,100 to 17,247 mg/g). These maize lines are an important source for researches in the improvement of b-carotene content in maize.



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How to Cite

Luong, T. T., & Thanh, N. D. (2018). Investigating the frequency of alleles of <i> crtRB1 </i> and <i> LcyE </i> genes that are favoable for -carotene accumulation in some maize lines cultivated in VietNam. Academia Journal of Biology, 40(2), 244–251.


