Quantifying organic carbon storage and sources in sediments of Dong Rui mangrove forests, Tien Yen district, Quang Ninh province using carbon stable isotope

Pham Thao Nguyen, Nguyen Tai Tue*, Tran Dang Quy, Nguyen Dinh Thai
Author affiliations


  • Pham Thao Nguyen Faculty of Geology, VNU University of Science
  • Nguyen Tai Tue* Faculty of Geology, VNU University of Science
  • Tran Dang Quy Faculty of Geology, VNU University of Science
  • Nguyen Dinh Thai Faculty of Geology, VNU University of Science




Mangrove forest, sediment, organic carbon, stable isotope, Dong Rui


The objective of this study is to quantify the organic carbon (OC) storage and its sources in sediments of Dong Rui mangrove forests, Tien Yen district, Quang Ninh province by analyzing TOC (total organic carbon), TN (total nitrogen), C/N ratios, δ13C isotopes and sediment grain sizes. The results showed that the fine-grained sediment fraction (<63 µm) ranged from 8.58 to 82.10%; TOC, TN contents, C/N ratios and δ13C values ranged from 0.21 to 10.20%, 0.01 to 0.34%, 15.07 to 46.09 and –27.75 to –25.84‰, respectively. The variation of δ13C and C/N ratios, and the correlation between TOC, TN and the fine-grained sediment fractions indicated that mangrove forests play important roles in OC sequestration and accumulation of fine-grained sediments. The OC storage in sediments varied from 16.7 to 78.3 MgC ha-1 with an average of 57.2 ±14.9 MgC ha-1. Nowadays, the mangrove forest area in Dong Rui is about 2194.1 ha, thus, the total OC in sediment pool up to 45 cm in depth, contained 1.26(±0.3)×105 MgC, equivalent to 4.6(±1.2)×105 Mg CO2. These results demonstrated that the conservation of Dong Rui mangrove forest not only provides opportunities for coastal protection and disaster mitigation and other provision values, but also enhancing carbon sequestration and offsetting greenhouse gas emissions.


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How to Cite

Nguyen, P. T., Tue*, N. T., Quy, T. D., & Thai, N. D. (2016). Quantifying organic carbon storage and sources in sediments of Dong Rui mangrove forests, Tien Yen district, Quang Ninh province using carbon stable isotope. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 38(4), 317–326. https://doi.org/10.15625/0866-7187/38/4/8713


