Geometry, kinematics and regional significance of faulting and related lamprophyric intrusion in the mineralised zone at the Pu Sam Cap complex, Northwest Vietnam

Findlay R. H.
Author affiliations


  • Findlay R. H. VietOz Minerals Pty Ltd, 141b Gordons Hill Road, Lindisfarne, Tasmania, Australia7015



mineralisation, lamprohyric dykes, syenitic intrusives, strike-slip fault


The alkali volcanics and intrusive rocks, dated at around 35-33Ma, are cut by mineralised northeast and east trending faults showing predominant evidence for strike-slip. Mineralisation includes haematite-Au-Cu and is accompanied by iron-rich alteration of the volcanic rocks. Detailed assessment of the geometry of the fault system at Pu Sam Cap suggests that the faults formed as a Riedel shear system during left-lateral slip within the Song Hong-Song Chay shear zone and the numerous contemporaneous northwest trending faults to the south; the northeast trending faults are interpreted as dextral “book-end’’ faults between major northwest trending faults enclosing the Pu Sam Cap massif. As mineralisation is hosted within these faults and is also associated with lamprohyric dykes it confirms a thermal event younger than the alkaline volcanics and syenitic intrusives at Pu Sam Cap, suggesting a hidden, young porphyry system. The age of faulting, and thus the maximum age for this young intrusive event, is attributed to the 23-21Ma period of late-stage left-lateral strike-slip motion across northwest Vietnam.


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How to Cite

H., F. R. (2018). Geometry, kinematics and regional significance of faulting and related lamprophyric intrusion in the mineralised zone at the Pu Sam Cap complex, Northwest Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 40(4), 320–340.


