The occurrence characteristics of ionospheric scintillation over Vietnam region during 2009-2012 period

Tran Thi Lan, Le Huy Minh, R. Fleury, Tran Viet Phuong, Nguyen Ha Thanh
Author affiliations


  • Tran Thi Lan Viện Vật lý Địa cầu, Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam
  • Le Huy Minh Viện Vật lý Địa cầu, Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam
  • R. Fleury Trường Viễn thông Quốc gia Brest
  • Tran Viet Phuong Viện Vật lý Địa cầu, Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam
  • Nguyen Ha Thanh Viện Vật lý Địa cầu, Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam



The statistic characteristics of ionospheric scintillation occurrence over Vietnam region have been studied using the continuous data from three GSV4004 receivers at Hanoi, Hue and Ho Chi Minh city during 2009-2012 period. The local time variation, seasonal variation and directional variation of scintillation occurrences in each stations were considered. The obtained results showed that the ionospheric scintillation over Vietnam region, mainly  occurred at night time between 20 to 24 local time. The occurrence of ionospheric scintillation depend on the season and solar activity,  with the maximum occurrence frequency on the equinox months (March, April and September, October) and significant enhancements on the strong active solar years (2011-2012). Over Vietnam region, ionospheric scintillation occurs concentratively on the equatorial ionisation anomaly crest, from the 13oN to 21oN geographic latitude with maximum at about 15oN. The ionospheric scintillation occurs mainly within the elevation angle smaller 40o and concentrate on some deterministic azimuth angles at each station.


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How to Cite

Lan, T. T., Minh, L. H., Fleury, R., Phuong, T. V., & Thanh, N. H. (2016). The occurrence characteristics of ionospheric scintillation over Vietnam region during 2009-2012 period. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 37(3), 264–274.




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