Phân lập các hoạt chất từ rau chua Hibiscus sabdariffa có tác dụng ức chế enzym chuyển hóa Angiotensin I

Phạm Thùy Linh, Bá Thị Châm, Nguyễn Thị Thu Hà, Nguyễn Thanh Trà, Lê Thị Tú Anh, Nguyễn Thị Minh Nguyệt, Đoàn Duy Tiên, Ngô Quốc Anh, Nguyễn Văn Tuyến
Author affiliations


  • Phạm Thùy Linh
  • Bá Thị Châm
  • Nguyễn Thị Thu Hà
  • Nguyễn Thanh Trà
  • Lê Thị Tú Anh
  • Nguyễn Thị Minh Nguyệt
  • Đoàn Duy Tiên
  • Ngô Quốc Anh
  • Nguyễn Văn Tuyến



Hibiscus sabdariffa, Quinic acid derivative, Angiotesin I converting enzyme inhibitor, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, DPPH


Seven compounds, including methyl 5-O-caffeoylquinate; trimethyl 2-hydroxicitrate; methyl 4-O-caffeoylquinate; caffeic acid; methyl 3-O-caffeoylquinate; methyl 5-O-p-coumaroylquinate and chlorogenic acid were isolated from the bioactivity guided calyces extracts of Hibiscus sabdariffa. Their structures were confirmed by 1H- NMR, 13C-NMR, and MS spectral methods and compared with those reported in the literature. Of these, three quinic acid derivatives; chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid were determined to be Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors with IC50 values of 413.76; 569.47; 463.71; 373.25 and 253.12 µg/ml, respectively. These 5 compounds also indicated strong antioxidant capacity with IC50 values at the same range with resveratrol.

Keywords: Hibiscus sabdariffa, Quinic acid derivative, Angiotesin I converting enzyme inhibitor, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, DPPH.




How to Cite

Linh, P. T., Châm, B. T., Thu Hà, N. T., Trà, N. T., Tú Anh, L. T., Minh Nguyệt, N. T., Tiên, Đoàn D., Anh, N. Q., & Tuyến, N. V. (2014). Phân lập các hoạt chất từ rau chua Hibiscus sabdariffa có tác dụng ức chế enzym chuyển hóa Angiotensin I. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, 52(3), 334.


