Composition of nickel chlorid hydrate and nickel aluminium oxide – the novel catalyst for hydrogenation

Ho Son Long, Tran Boi Chau, Huynh Thanh Cong, Vo Do Minh Hoang, Ho Son Lam
Author affiliations


  • Ho Son Long VAST
  • Tran Boi Chau
  • Huynh Thanh Cong
  • Vo Do Minh Hoang
  • Ho Son Lam



New catalysts based on nickel chlorite and aluminum chlorite are aggregated over the period to create complex, then sintered at a temperature of 550oC. The results analyzed by IR, X-ray, BET and SEM showed many similarities between the new catalysts with catalyst Ranay-nickel Merck's standards. Both catalysts are used to carry hydrogenation reaction in the gas phase and in the liquid phase in the autoclave with 2 atm pressure, on the same object as citronella essential oil content of 86% citral. Of the reaction products were analyzed on GC/MS HP 6890 with column HP5MS using helium gas bearing. Products of the reaction showed efficient catalytic hidro genation of these new catalysts are not inferior to standard Ranay-nickel, but also created many other precious products, especially when the liquid phase hidro genation of 2 atm pressure.


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How to Cite

Long, H. S., Chau, T. B., Cong, H. T., Minh Hoang, V. D., & Lam, H. S. (2012). Composition of nickel chlorid hydrate and nickel aluminium oxide – the novel catalyst for hydrogenation. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, 49(6).


