Studies of land surface temperature distribution using multispectral image Landsat

Trinh Le Hung
Author affiliations


  • Trinh Le Hung Học viện Kỹ thuật Quân sự



multispectral image, thermal infrared, LANDSAT, land surface temperature, LST program.


Land surface temperature is one of the most important factors in urban climatology studies and human - environmentinteractions. Warmer air in urban area - urban heat island is a pressing issue for all big cities. Besides, land surfacetemperature is also an important factor when monitoring soil moisture. Ground-based observations reflect only thermalcondition of local area around the station and in fact cannot establish the number of meteorological stations withexpected density due to the high cost. Remote sensing technology with advantages such as wide area coverage andshort revisit interval has been used effectively in the study of land surface temperature distribution. The study indicateshow to estimate surface temperature using LANDSAT satellite data. With 120m (TM), 60m (ETM+) and 100m(LANDSAT 8) spatial resolution, thermal infrared image LANDSAT performance applications in the region study. Thisarticle also considers the method determining surface emissivity and building program LST for calculating land surfacetemperature. The land surface temperature distribution map and the analyses of thermal - land cover relationships canbe used as the reference for urban planning and the solution to the reduction of heat island effect.


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How to Cite

Hung, T. L. (2015). Studies of land surface temperature distribution using multispectral image Landsat. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 36(1), 82–89.


