Forest cover change mapping based on Deep Neuron Network, GIS, and High-resolution Imagery
Author affiliations
Deep Learning, UAV, forest cover change, Nui Luot, land coverAbstract
With the rapid advancement of technology, monitoring forest cover changes has become increasingly quantifiable through various techniques and methods. In this study, we developed a procedure that utilizes the Deep Neuron Network (DNN) model and the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) based on high-resolution imagery captured at different time points to create forest cover change maps in Nui Luot, Chuong My, Hanoi. Two RGB (Red-Green-Blue) spectral images were captured by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) at two different time points (pre-scene and post-scene) and used to extract information for the DNN model to produce land cover maps for these two time points. The land cover classification was divided into four classes: (1) Trees, (2) Vacant, (3) Built area and others, and (4) Water surface. Combined with GIS analysis, the forest cover change maps were developed to quantify detailed increases or losses in forest cover based on the "Trees" class. The model's accuracy was evaluated using parameters such as the area Under the ROC Curve (AUC), Accuracy (ACC), Precision, Recall, F1-Score, Kappa, and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The analysis results indicate that from January 31, 2023, to October 20, 2023, the forest cover in the study area decreased by 0.53%. The accuracy metrics for the pre-change scene were: average AUC = 0.922, ACC = 76.86%, average Precision = 0.743, average Recall = 0.73, average F1-Score = 0.723, Kappa = 0.692, and RMSE = 0.297. For the post-change scene, the accuracy metrics were: average AUC = 0.954, ACC = 81.89%, average Precision = 0.823, average Recall = 0.815, average F1-Score = 0.818, Kappa = 0.758, and RMSE = 0.262. A deforestation scenario was constructed to evaluate the effectiveness of the DNN models in assessing and monitoring forest dynamics.
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