Tran Tuan Anh
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  • Tran Tuan Anh Viện Địa chất



Characteristics of Bo Va gold-sulphide ores, Northeast Vietnam Research ore characteristics and chemical composition of the three ore zones in the Bo Va region imply that mineralization in the area belong toe gold-sulfide (Au-As) type, characterizing by strong positive correlation between arsenic and gold. Native gold in different types of ore deposits in Bo Va usually present as independent inclusions in ore minerals or fill in the spaces between the main ore mineral, mostly of small very small size, closely associated with arsenopyrites. Two types of native gold have been identified: the first type is characterized by Ag = 18.5 to 15 wt.%; the second type: content is about 10 wt.% Ag in composition. The presence of fine-grained gold not only in quartz sulfide but also the distribution of large quantities waste arsenopyrite-bearing shales have important implications for the navigating appropriate exploitation and extracting solutions.


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How to Cite

Anh, T. T. (2014). CHARACTERISTICS OF BO VA GOLD-SULPHIDE ORES, NORTHEAST VIETNAM. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 36(3), 193–203.




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