Groundwater quality zonation by total dissolved solids for Hưng Yên province

Nguyen Duc Roi
Author affiliations


  • Nguyen Duc Roi Viện Địa chất, Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam



Hưng Yên province has relatively abudant groundwater (GW) resource, howerver the groundwater quality distribution is variable, including total dissolved solids (TDS).

Groundwater zonation by TDS is important for sustainable GW planning in term of quality. Analysis of the TDS spatial distribution for all the three aquifers Holocene (qh), upper Pleistocene (qp2) and lower Pleistocene (qp1) have given variogram of a power type of very high correlation coefficient with the actual data which means a high reliability. TDS kriging had been applied to compile GW zonation by TDS contents in three levels: fresh, light brackish and brackish for the aquigfers qh, qp2 and qp1. The areas of GW of light brackish to brackish area: (i) aquigfer qh: ~310 km2 (~33 % of the area); (ii) aquigfer qp2: ~10 km2 (~23 % of the area); (iii) aquigfer qp1: ~180 km2 (~20 % of the area). The areas of brackish GW of qh and qp2 are very different, which means the two aquifers are of insignificant vertical interaction or no interaction thanks to the aquitard inbetween. The areas of brackish GW of qp2 and qp1 are relatively similar with only lightly difference in shapes, which may be an evidence of good hydraulic interaction between the two aquifer there Based on the combination of GW zonation by TDS and the locations and abstraction quantities of existing GW abstraction facilities, some salinization prevention measures, inluding artificial recharge had been proposed.


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How to Cite

Roi, N. D. (2016). Groundwater quality zonation by total dissolved solids for Hưng Yên province. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 38(1), 79–89.


